Monday, June 02, 2008

From Uskavi to Broby

741 kilometers, Broby, Sweden

We're finally off. Blues passed his inspection with a full days margin before we left. It definatly wasn't cheap, but now the rear brakes, the right back wheel and half the exhaust system are repaired.
The first part of the journey contained a visit to what I believe to be the most fun wedding I've ever been to. Next to my own, I might add. The night before we left was one of panic. Trying to finish essays, changing water in both aquariums, packing, cleaning, e-mailing, charging batteries... It was a mess, ending in a mere 4 hours of sleep before heading to Uskavi. Matilda and Johan were fantastic and beautiful. The day long wedding, from 11 in the morning, to 11 at night was at the most beautiful place by the water. Brilliant. They even set us up for the night in a little cabin we could have for ourselves, with a fridge packed with all kinds of breads, youghurts, milks and juices we can bring on our trip. All organic. Excellent for out tight budget. .. correct that: non existent budget.

Heading off after a leisurly morning, we headed for Broby, in Skåne, where we arrived yesterday (Sunday). A small 24-7 community is developing there, who we love dearly. Get this: three of them share a salary (actaully get paid!), live in a huge house with amazing possibilities, are connected to the local lutheran congregation which is totally supportive of what they are doing and pray six hours a day (two hours each) in a caravan. When we arrive, we walk in on a barbeque that Malin, Christian and David (the Broby gang) are having with 5 of the local kids, that come by quite often just to hang out. They were leading a confirmation camp a few weeks a go, and have since then developed some good relationships with the kids. To say the least, they rock.

Today has been spent trying to give Blues an oil change. Focus on the word trying, as it by no means was easy and needed some serious creativity. After that, we have carried and traveled and heaved to build a wall in what is to be a prayerroom in the cellar. Fun to do some manual labor after sitting in a car all day.

Tomorrow we leave for Denmark, where we are hooking up with some friends.
Wish us faith.


Anonymous said...

i guess i´ll be in Neubrandenburg from Friday night on- or do you guys arrive later?

Anonymous said...

great to hear Blues is ok. we leave in the morning (i refuse to travel on my birthday and i only got back from Brno late yestarday!) so will see you in NB Fri pm.
cant wait to see you

Anonymous said...

Bless you guys - really exciting stuff:)

Lots of love!

Anonymous said...

Wish I was there!