Thursday, June 29, 2006

old school, new prayers

about 1100 kilometers, Lucka, Germany

Scott and Misty + their 2 kids are just wonderful people. We caught up with them in Wittenberg (the city Luther was working in) and it was great to meet people doing a similar thing to us. They're out with there vw-camper van (named 'Harry') for unlimited time touring Europe, asking God why he wants them to do this... :) Cool how God is using them. Just to see their hearts and longings has been a blessing.

Wittenberg... The city where the reformation started. After a night a bit outside the city (all four of us sleeping in the same van, Krister nearly got killed by evil mosquitos) we went to all different places in the city where Luther was studying, working, hung out etc. Krister even spotted the MGL (Martin Luther Gym). In the church where Luther held his first sermon, after nailing up the 95 theses at the bigger churchs gate, we found an old silent room perfect for prayer. We prayed for a new reformation. We prayed for a sometimes broken and divided Christianity to be healed. We prayed for God to move in Germany again.

We were planning to go to Dresten to meet Markus and the rest of the 24-7 prayer community there. But Markus was at his parents place in the small village of Lucka, so we (Harry and Mr. Blues) went there to pick him up....we thought. When we arrived to their place it was a BBQ going on with all his family. Such great hospitality! We ate so much good german food and wished we had at least three extra stomaches. After chilling by their outdoor firestove we were all ready for a good nights sleep. Beautiful.

Today Markus took us to an old schoolbuilding in the town next to Lucka where they want to start the Transit course in September (see They don't know yet if they will get the building or not but it seems to be the most perfect place for doing the Transit thing!! We were all standing on the top floor of the house, telling God that we want that old house to be theirs, to be a place that He can use.
It felt really cool to be the beginning of something big...
God is moving.
And so are we. We're off Hernhutt. Yeehaa!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ey resa and krister, you are in germany? would be so cool to see you again, so if you wanna come around to hamburg, feel free to write me a mail, will stay here til the end of July
have good travels