Thursday, July 14, 2005

Day two in the team house (Copenhagen)

At Transmission we were encouraged to have some specific aims for the team and for the individuals in the team. We spent some time praying and thinking and decided that we did want to step out in faith, in boldness, out of our comfort zones. We will pray every morning as a team first thing before breakfast and commit to not only taking opportunities but to seek to carve out openings to pray for people, to talk to people. We will remind ourselves of this commitment and of the promises of God. We will hold each other accountable to this. We also have an aim to come back from the trip having fallen more in love with Jesus.

It was decided to take it easy in Copenhagen. To start daily rhythms of prayer and worship and to work out the dynamics within the team. After arriving yesterday we had some rest and then spent time in prayer with the aid of a city map and a local (who we are staying with). We are really hoping to be a blessing to the girls that are hosting us and being so hospitable.

We then went into the city to soak it in, to pray and to try to hear from God so that we could pray strategically over the next day or two. There were a few places that we feel that God highlighted to us as key areas to pray so we will do that today and then take communion at each place as a team on Friday to claim the truth of the sacrifice of Jesus in each place.

On the way back we bumped into a danish guy who we then went for a drink with. We told him that we were there to pray for the city which he didn't believe at first. We had good conversation but it was hard as he is a long way from God and is not having a great time with life. He didn't want us to pray for him (although we did on the way home anyway). We did find out some interesting facts about the city and people.

Copenhagen literally "buy harbour" or "market harbour". Christs name is all over the city (from the name Christian) with an area called Christianhavn (Christian harbour) and places such as Christiania (which is one of the key places we will pray). We pray that the name of Jesus will be a buzz word around the city. There is a very good community feel in the city and people will stick up for one another in the face of injustice (in their eyes the police for example) but they are a people of resistance now and historically. We pray that will become steadfastness for Christ.

We come to the city as friends, with hope and love.


Anonymous said...

The guy you had a drink with won't forget you. And I guess a few of his friends will hear about these friendly weirdos on a mission! Lord, let it be for him and for his friends the planting of the seed of the idea that there is another way to live; in faith, obedience, joy and fulfilment in the wonder of your love, Jesus. Amen.

Anonymous said...

It is unfair and not very respectful of peoples wishes to pray for them when they have specifically asked you not to.